Little Stars
"Little Stars" is a baby and toddler group, catering for 0-3 years. It operates term time only on a Monday morning 9.00-11.30am. It is £1.50 for the first child and 50p for each extra child.
"Little Stars" is a baby and toddler group, catering for 0-3 years. It operates term time only on a Monday morning 9.00-11.30am. It is £1.50 for the first child and 50p for each extra child.
Membership is by registration due to popularity. Registration forms are available from reception. Visitors are welcome to come and join us if numbers allow and to experience the group before registering. A waiting list is held for permanent places if we are full.
Membership is by registration due to popularity. Registration forms are available from reception. Visitors are welcome to come and join us if numbers allow and to experience the group before registering. A waiting list is held for permanent places if we are full.
We provide a variety of toys, including two table top activities, so the children have lots of things to keep them engaged. These are activities suitable for all ages from babies to pre-school.
We provide a variety of toys, including two table top activities, so the children have lots of things to keep them engaged. These are activities suitable for all ages from babies to pre-school.
Toast, pancakes, crumpets and a drink will be provided in the lounge at 10.00, where the children can use the high chairs and tables available.
Toast, pancakes, crumpets and a drink will be provided in the lounge at 10.00, where the children can use the high chairs and tables available.